DREAMNOTE 来了!!尖叫声!!!
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It is Sooo..Happening till we Giving Out【DREAMNOTE】 Promo Tour VIP Pass + Photo session 🤪🤪🤪
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步骤1: Like LIKE 大嘴叭loudspeaker 面子书
STEP 1: LIKE @大嘴叭loudspeaker Facebook Official Fans Page
步骤 2: 在此POSTの留言區 HashTag #loudspeakerktv #singk #rm1nett
STEP 2: POST Comment and HashTag #loudspeakerktv #singk #rm1nett
步骤 3: Tag越多朋友你就越有机会赢取喔
STEP 3: Tag as many friends as you can to stand a higher chance to win
步骤 4: 填写表格即完成
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