步骤1:录制一段至少1分钟左右的唱歌视频,开场前需自我介绍 【 哈喽!Loud Speaker KTV,我是xxx 】
步骤2:把视频上传至大嘴叭官方面子书 @loudspeakerktv 的“全民在家K歌比赛“活动页面,并加上hashtag #loudspeakerktv #dudukrumah #baokaliao
步骤3:至少tag 5位朋友或以上,就完成了!
参赛日期: 2020年4月6日至5月12日
If you are passionate in singing, now it’s your time to shine! Loud Speaker invites you to show off your talent in Duduk Rumah Sing K Contest. Exciting prizes await you, the biggest winner can even get free karaoke admission for whole year at Loud Speaker! No registration fees, no limitation on your singing techniques and age, as long as you love to sing! Don’t hesitate to join the contest now!
Step 1: Record at least 1-min singing video, contestant must introduce him/herself as the opening of the video [Hello! Loud Speaker KTV, I am XXX ]
Step 2: Upload the video to the event page Duduk Rumah Sing K Contest at Loud Speaker official Facebook @loudspeakerktv, and hashtag #loudspeakerktv #dudukrumah #baokaliao
Step 3: Tag at least 5 friends and above
Participation period: 6 April 2020 – 12 May 2020
The winners will be selected based on the likes of the video on the event page and the creativity!
Come and participate now!
参赛条规/Terms and Conditions
- 必须是参赛者本人原唱,不得由他人替代唱歌、替换已录制好歌曲或放原唱录音,一经发现将立即取消参赛资格。
- It must be originally sung by participants. Using pre-recorded song, original recording and replaced singing by other people are strictly not allowed. Once found, the contestant shall automatically be disqualified.
- 点赞的数量是在全民在家K歌比赛活动页面内的数量为准。
- Only the likes on Duduk Rumah Sing K Contest event page will be counted as the result of the contest.
- 参赛者不限制任何表演方式呈现,并不限人数,不限语言,不限年龄。
- Contestant is allowed to perform in any ways, regardless the number of participants, languages, and ages.
- 禁止含有宗教、暴力、色情、歧视等不当内容,否者将取消汰参赛资格。
- Any content consist of sensitive, inappropriate or unethical topics such as religion and violence shall automatically disqualified.
- 所有作品必须最迟在比赛截止日期上传至全民在家K歌比赛活动页面,逾期者将一概不受理。
- All entries received after the contest period shall automatically be disqualified.
- 比赛只限马来西亚公民参加。
- Contestant must be legal resident of Malaysia.
- 参赛视频必须在室内完成录制。
- The video must be captured indoors.
- 主办单位有权线上及线下使用并编辑参赛视频。
- Organizer has the right to use participants’ performance videos online and offline and edit them.
- 主办方将通过面子书通知所有得奖参赛者。
- Loud Speaker Family Karaoke will inform the winners via Facebook.
- 所有得奖候选人须在3个工作日内(从主办单位通知得奖候选人那天算起)提供个人资料(全名、身份证号码、电话号码、生日日期和电邮地址)及参赛视频给主办单位。 如果得奖候选人无法及时提供资料,将被自动取消得奖资格。
- Each potential winner is responsible to provide their details (full name, IC number, phone number, date of birth and e-mail address) and video within 3 working days from the date Loud Speaker Family Karaoke notifies the potential winner. If contestant failed to do so, the prize shall be forfeited at the discretion of Loud Speaker Family Karaoke.
- 如果参赛者违反任何一项参赛规则,将被自动取消参赛资格。
- Contestant failed to comply with terms and conditions above shall automatically be disqualified.
- 主办单位有权更改最后比赛条例,并有权淘汰违反条例的参赛者。主办单位之决定乃最终决定,任何质询恕不受理。
- Loud Speaker Family Karaoke reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the contest without prior notice, and disqualify contestants who failed to comply with the rules. Loud Speaker’s decisions on all matter relating to this contest are final and binding and no correspondence will be entertained.